Message from Administration
Meet the Admin Team
Meet the Admin Team
Meet the Admin Team
Principal-Adam Sinor
Vice Principal-Tim Tibbs
Activities Director-Maria Dickerson
Welcome Parents and Students
Welcome Parents and Students
Welcome Parents and Students
Welcome to Rio Tierra Junior High School. I am honored to be part of Rio Tierra Junior High School where our vision is that ALL students grow by a year or more in every subject. We are committed to helping students become successful in junior high so that they are empowered to make an impact on their own lives and community.
The dedicated staff at Rio Tierra will work to give every student the opportunity to reach their fullest academic and social potential. We are incredibly proud that Rio Tierra grew in academic achievement last year in 7th Grade Math and in 7th & 8th grade English Language Arts. While coming back from the pandemic did pose challenges, the commitment to student learning will always remain the focus at Rio Tierra. Daily instruction will include live interaction with teachers, numerous opportunities for support, and engaging assignments that are in alignment with Common Core State Standards. We understand that you have entrusted us with the care, safety, and education of your student.
Throughout the year we will have multiple opportunities for students, parents, and community members to be involved in the school. We invite you to get involved in our school on the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), or on our School Site Council (SSC). We welcome your partnership in educating students at Rio Teirra Junior High School.
Adam Sinor
Rio Tierra Junior High School
- Our School
- Our School
- Message from Administration
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