Search Tools
1 Best Search Tools
Updated regularly, this handy chart displays the features of the best Internet subject directories and search engines.
Updated regularly, this handy chart displays the features of the best Internet subject directories and search engines.
2 Librarians' Index to the Internet
Searchable, browsable Web site of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to public librarians and the general public. All entries are carefully reviewed and evaluated before entry into the database and then maintained throughout their life cycle. The motto of "Information You Can Trust."
3 direct search
"A growing compilation of links to the search interfaces of resources that contain data not easily or entirely searchable/accessible from general search tools like Alta Vista, Google, or Hotbot." The sites are grouped under broad headings such as Archives and Library Catalogs, Bibliographies, Business, Humanities, Science, Government, and more. Searchable. Another great resource from librarian Gary Price.
4 Academic Info
A searchable subject directory of Internet resources selected for the college and university community. Each subject guide is an annotated listing of the best general Internet sites in the field, as well as a gateway to specialized and advanced research tools.
1 Reference Desk
Santa Cruz Public Libraries_Ready Reference Files
Nicely done conversion of their "fugitive face" or "tickler" file to a online database. Searchable or browsable, and containing lots that's useful to all, this is definitely the place to start for that elusive California information such as what E Clampus Vitus is, a list of all the state librarians, and what Filoli stands for. Links to pertinent Web sites, when available, are included.
Search Systems
Searchable, browsable Web site of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to public librarians and the general public. All entries are carefully reviewed and evaluated before entry into the database and then maintained throughout their life cycle. The motto of "Information You Can Trust."
3 direct search
"A growing compilation of links to the search interfaces of resources that contain data not easily or entirely searchable/accessible from general search tools like Alta Vista, Google, or Hotbot." The sites are grouped under broad headings such as Archives and Library Catalogs, Bibliographies, Business, Humanities, Science, Government, and more. Searchable. Another great resource from librarian Gary Price.
4 Academic Info
A searchable subject directory of Internet resources selected for the college and university community. Each subject guide is an annotated listing of the best general Internet sites in the field, as well as a gateway to specialized and advanced research tools.
1 Reference Desk
Santa Cruz Public Libraries_Ready Reference Files
Nicely done conversion of their "fugitive face" or "tickler" file to a online database. Searchable or browsable, and containing lots that's useful to all, this is definitely the place to start for that elusive California information such as what E Clampus Vitus is, a list of all the state librarians, and what Filoli stands for. Links to pertinent Web sites, when available, are included.
Search Systems
- Our School
- Our School
- Message from Administration
- Vision, Mission and Core Values
- Activities
- Athletics
- After School Program
- Bell Schedule
- Clubs
- Conduct and Rules
- Curriculum & Instruction
- Dress Code
- Electives
- English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- Library
- Library
- Library Resources
- Almanacs & Encyclopedias
- Art & Music
- Bibliography
- Books, Magazines, & Newspapers
- California & Sacramento Web Sites
- Common Core
- Consumers
- Cornell Notes
- Employment
- English Learners
- Health & Medicine
- Language & Literature
- Law
- Maps, Dates, Weather
- People
- Pictures
- Politics & History
- Science/Religion
- Search Tools
- Statistics
- Videos
- Williams Case
- Safe Haven Schools
- School Site Council
Search is the ultimate expression of the power of the individual, using a computer, looking at the world, and finding exactly what they want.
~ Eric Schmidt
~ Eric Schmidt