Conduct and Rules
Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Kind
The Schoolwide Expectaions Matrix dispays how students are expected to behave in different areas of the school
rio tierra junior high school student-parent-staff compact
rio tierra junior high school student-parent-staff compact
rio tierra junior high school student-parent-staff compact
Student Pledge
Student Pledge
Student Pledge
Come to school on time in dress code compliance, ready to learn without distractions and willing to work hard
Bring necessary materials, charged chromebook, completed assignments and homework each day
Keep an organized binder and updated planner
Know and follow both school and class rules
Ask for help when needed
Communicate regularly with my parents and teachers about school experiences so that they can help me be successful in school
Limit my use of electronics during study time and use electronics appropriatley
Increase my reading time to at least 20mins every day after school
Respect the school, my classmates, staff and families
Find a way to be involved in school activities
No cell phone use at school unless allowed by teacher
parent pledge
parent pledge
parent pledge
To help my student meet or exceed the state's high academic standards, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
Participate in activities at school, such as school decision making, volunteering and/or attending parent-teacher conferences
Provide current physical address and contact information to the school
Encourage and support the positive use of extracurricular time
Communicate the importance of education and learning to my student and check planner daily
Provide a quiet time and place for work completion, studying, and reading
Monitor my student’s TV viewing, Cellphone use and Social Media
Encourage my student to read every day for at least 20 minutes
Communicate with the teachers or the school when I have a concern
Ensure that my child gets adequate sleep, attends school every day on time in dress code compliance, gets regular medical attention, and proper nutrition
Regularly monitor my student’s progress in school using Aeries
Provide updated communications in order to continue an open line of communication
Respect the school, staff, students, and families
staff pledge
staff pledge
staff pledge
To help each student meet or exceed the state's high academic standards, Rio Tierra Staff agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instructionthat enables students to meet the challenging state academic standards.
Provide a supportive, effective, welcoming, safe, and caring learning environment
Provide meaningful communication between teacher and parents on an ongoing bases through
1. Parent-teacher meetings when requested
2. Frequent reports about student’s progress through report cards, progress reports, e-mails, IEPs, phone calls.
3. Reasonable access to staff and opportunities to volunteer and participate in school activities and to observe in the class.
4. Ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and the school staff in a language that the family can understand, when possible.
Endeavor to motivate my students to learn
Maintain high expectations and help every student to achieve their best
Participate in professional development activities that improve teaching
Participate actively in collaborative decision making
Work consistently with families and my school colleagues to make the school an accessible and welcoming place for families
Respect the school, students, staff and families
Enforce all school wide expectations
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