Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Rio Tierra Jr. High strives to promote diversity and make our school equitable to all regardless of a student or staff member's race, religion, ability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identification. Equity and inclusion does not have a quick fix or a "one size fits all solution". It requires all of us continuously looking at everything from daily school routines to the school-wide and district-wide policies we put in place and how they affect our diverse campus. We take the work that surrounds diversity, equity, and inclusion seriously in order to provide a place where all students can feel welcome, safe, & have equitable access to all that our school has to offer. Although we are making great strides, we know that this work is never done and that adjustments and enhancements will need to made as we continue to grow. We welcome suggestions on how we can continue to develop to make Rio Tierra a place where you belong.