
how to track grades to ensure success
how to track grades to ensure success
how to track grades to ensure success
Rio Tierra has a few tools available to parents and students to ensure you are informed and stay on top of grades.
These include:
- Progress reports are mailed out 4-6 weeks after each new quarter begins and includes a grade for each class
- Report cards are mailed home four times a year, at the end of each quarter
- Set Aeries Portal alerts so you are notified if a grade drops below a certain point (click HERE for directions on how to set up grade alerts).
grade investigating for parents & students
grade investigating for parents & students
grade investigating for parents & students
There are mostly two reasons why students get an D or Fin a class:
- The student has multiple missing assignments (0's in the gradebook)
- The student is turning in homework and class assignments but is getting low scores on tests/quizzes
how to raise a grade due to missing assignments:
how to raise a grade due to missing assignments:
how to raise a grade due to missing assignments:
-Contact the teacher to see if they accept late work.
-If the teacher does accept late work, pick out the missing assignments that are worth the most points and complete and turn those in first. It will raise the grade faster.
-Space out assignments in the student planner so making them up isn't too overwhelming. If you need help ask your parent, teacher, or counselor.
-Stay on top of assignments the rest of the year so you won’t have to repeat the process every progress report time.
-Students should be writing their assignments in their planner every day to help them keep track of due dates. Parents-ask to see their planner. Checking in with them about the progress of assignments that are due will help them stay organized and motivate them to complete work on time.
how to raise a grade due to low test/quiz scores:
how to raise a grade due to low test/quiz scores:
how to raise a grade due to low test/quiz scores:
- Learn how to study for tests and quizzes including the right environment.
-Discover good study habits and which ones will work best and fit their learning style (link will take you to a questionnaire to fill out to find your learning style). If you need ideas on how you should study based on your learning style check out the infographs to the left.
-Sign up for extra help. Many teachers volunteer to meet with students before and after school for extra help and some will even meet with students on zoom.
-Check out some additional resources below including the Sacramento Library's free tutoring (zoom) and after school programs that offer time for homework help.
free resources
free resources
free resources

The sacramento public library-zoom homework help & Live tutoring
The sacramento public library-zoom homework help & Live tutoring
The sacramento public library-zoom homework help & Live tutoring
The Sacramento County Library offers live tutors daily and zoom homework help sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:30. Twin Rivers’ students have access by using their student ID. When it asks for a library card number enter TR and then their student number (ex. TR123456), their 4 digit pin number is the student’s birth year. Click HERE to visit their website.
They also have an entire webpage dedicated to online resources to help students study. Again, students can use TR and their student ID to access these resources AND digitally checkout up to 30 books. They have a section of resources for each subject. Click HERE to visit their homework resources webpage.
after school programs
after school programs
after school programs
Rio Tierra has partnered with the Boys & Girls Club to provide after school care. Visit our after school program webpage under "Our School". They provide a time for students to do homework and get help from one of their leaders. The program is getting very poopular so there may be a wait list.
South Natomas Community Center also has an after school program (not affiliated with Rio TIerra or Twin Rivers School District). Teen Scene offers a variety of activities for students that includes homework help. Click HERE to visit their website. It is also a popular program so if it is full, put your name on the waiting list.
Rio tierra's library
Rio tierra's library
Rio tierra's library
Don't forget about our library! Our new librarian Mrs. Leonette has all sorts of online resrouces as well as resources for you to use in person. Visit the library page to learn what resources are avialable and to learn more about our new librarian!
Online tutors & Video Tutorials
Online tutors & Video Tutorials
Online tutors & Video Tutorials
Below are some free online video tutorials and live tutors. These are not affiliated with Rio Tierra Jr. High or Twin Rivers USD. Students should always have parent/guardian permission and parents should take the appropriate measures to ensure their student's online safety. These are all free services. You may be asked to make an account with a login and password but you should not be asked for any money. Some sites have a place to make a donation but it is NOT required.
video tutorials
video tutorials
video tutorials
Free live tutoring online
Free live tutoring online
Free live tutoring online
learning styles
learning styles
learning styles
Click the titles below or click on the "Learn More" button on the infograph for more details.

Auditory Learner Study Tips

Traditional Learner Study Tips

Tactile Learner Study Tips