2025/2026 School Year
New to twin rivers school district?
New to twin rivers school district?
New to twin rivers school district?
If your student/s were not recently enrolled in a Twin Rivers school and you need to enroll your K-12 student, please read the flyer below. Returning students or students wishing to transfer, please skip to the information under the flyer for how you can proceed.

before and after school program enrollment
before and after school program enrollment
before and after school program enrollment
Before and After School Programs are funded by California's Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP). To ensure a smooth registration process and equitable access to these programs, please carefully review and follow the guidelines listed on the Twin Rivers Before/After School Program Enrollment webpage. You can access the webpage and the enrollment forms in multiple languages by clicking the link below.
We are very excited to see what the 2024/2025 school year will bring. Below you will find information about enrollment if you would like to transfer from another district or transfer from another school within Twin Rivers district.
2024/2025 FAQ'S
2024/2025 FAQ'S
2024/2025 FAQ'S
The first day of school is TUESDAY, AUGUST 20TH for the 2024-2025 school year. You can view our school calendar on the Rio Tierra homepage. To find out what is happening district wide you can check the Twin Rivers School District Calendar webpage.
How do i enroll my student at rio tierra?
How do i enroll my student at rio tierra?
How do i enroll my student at rio tierra?
RETURNING STUDENTS - If your student attended a school in Twin Rivers District last year as a 6th grader and you live within Rio Tierra Jr. High's boundaries you do not need to enroll them, the district automatically enrolled all 6th grade students in to their home school. NO ACTION IS NEEDED.
TRANSFER STUDENTS WITHIN THE DISTRICT - If your student attended a school in Twin Rivers District last year as a 6th grader but Rio Tierra is not your home school but you would like your student to attend Rio Tierra you will need to request a transfer. You can click HERE to be taken to the district web page that will walk you through the steps and contact numbers if you need assistance.
NEW STUDENTS TO TWIN RIVERS DISTRICT - If your student attended 6th grade in a school outside of Twin Rivers District you will need to enroll them as a new student. You can click HERE to be taken to the district enrollment web page where you can follow the steps to enroll your student as well as find contact numbers if you need assistance.
what time does school start & end?
what time does school start & end?
what time does school start & end?
School starts every day at 8:00 a.m. If students arrive to class after 8:00 they will need to go to the office first to get a late slip before heading to class so that they are not marked absent. Students can be on campus as early as 7:40 and can choose to eat a school provided breakfast in the cafeteria or head to the blacktop.
M/T/TH/F school ends at 2:37. Wednesdays are a shortened day and students will get out at 12:37.
what classes does rio tierra offer?
what classes does rio tierra offer?
what classes does rio tierra offer?
Rio Tierra offers a wide variety of courses to reach and engage every learner. We offer all core subject courses; English, History, Math, Physical Education (PE), and Science. We also offer Honors English for 7th & 8th graders who prefer to be challenged in the area of English Language Arts. Student's who qualify for special education and require additional support have the option of attending one of our SDC (Special Day Class) programs, T.A.P. or R.I.S.E. (Reaching Independence through Structured Education), or a one class elective called Curriculum Support. These options are determined by the student's IEP (Individual Education Plan). We also provide support for students whose first language is something other than English. We offer four different levels of English Language Development (ELD) courses determined by the ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessment of California) given to English language learners as a state requirement every year.
We offer 7 different general education elective courses:
- Art
- Computer Science (CTE)
- Digital Media (CTE)
- Leadership
- Office Aide (Only available to 8th graders)
- Spanish
can a student change their classes/elective?
can a student change their classes/elective?
can a student change their classes/elective?
We want students to be engaged and successful in all their classes. For this reason, Mrs. Juarros, our school counselor, visited our feeder elementary schools to get elective requests from all 6th grade students. Most students that filled out their request form were given their first choice unless the class was full or another class conflicted with their elective choice. Students who did not fill out their request form or students that enrolled after April were put in an elective based on what elective courses still had room for more students. Student's schedules will not change all year. The exception is when classes are too full or a student becomes eligible for a specialty course such as honors or curriculum support or is nominated into a student government position. At this time we will not be making any schedule or elective changes..
Does rio tierra have uniforms or a dress code?
Does rio tierra have uniforms or a dress code?
Does rio tierra have uniforms or a dress code?
Although Rio Tierra does not require students to wear uniforms, we do have a dress code and expect students to dress modestly and ready for success. To view our dress code please visit our webpage dedicated to all thing dress code! You can also visit our Conduct and Rules webpage to learn more about our school-wide expectations.